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Rémi Timmermans
Sales Manager
Working at height legislation:
EN 795:2012 Type C
CEN/TS 16415:2013
ASSP/ANSI Z359.6 & CSA259.16
The SecuRope fall arrest system, with its unique fixing bracket, is designed explicitly for corrugated metal sheet roofs, including cold deck, sandwich pannel and other types of fragile roofs. This innovative bracket distributes the load evenly across the roof surface, making it an ideal solution, in combination with its energy-absorbing mechanism, for metal sheet roofs that are often more susceptible to damage. Each unit is supplied with self-drilling screws or rivets, chosen for their high pull-out strength, ensuring secure installation. This mansafe fall protection system is perfect for the maintenance and repair of any industrial facility, allowing safe access to solar panels, HVAC ventilation outlets, roof skylights, and gutters. Given the risks associated with walking on corrugated metal sheet roofs, especially those that are fragile or have a cold deck construction, the addition of roof walkways alongside our fall arrest equipment is strongly recommended for enhanced safety.
SecuRope Neo Pro lifeline system on corrugated metal sheet
Rémi Timmermans
Sales Manager